Hacker Console

Hacker Console

The hacker console included in the Primodium client is a tool that enables players to interact directly with the client game's data and functionality.



To access the hacker console, go to general settings and toggle the switch that reads PRESS ~ TO OPEN HACKER PANE. Now when you press ~ the hacker console opens. Press ~ again to close it.


Reading Data

There are a few data sources in the hacker console: priPlayerAccount, priComponents, priUtils, and priConstants.

priPlayerAccount: Player Account

Use the player account to see your wallet address, delegate address and private key, and world address. It also includes information about the wagmi (opens in a new tab) client use for connecting external wallets in the client.

priComponents: Components

Components store game data. Use them to grab pertinent information quickly.

  • get - Retrieve a value by providing an entity, which is a hex string.
  • getWithKeys - Fetch a component using raw keys that match the component's schema.
  • getAll - Obtain all values of a specific component.
  • getAllWith - Retrieve all entities of a component that have a specified value.
  • getAllWithout - Fetch all entities of a component that do not have a specified value.
  • has - Check if an entity has a specific component.
  • hasWithKeys - Verify if an entity has a component with given keys.

priUtils: Utilities

There are a range of utilities that make it easy to fetch complex data from components. Some potentially helpful utilities include:

  • getFullResourceCount(spaceRockEntity, resource) - Get the current resource count of some resource on an asteroid
  • getUnitStats(unitEntity, spaceRockEntity) - See relevant stats about a unit
  • getBuildingInfo(buildingEntity) - Get a range of data about a building entity
  • getUpgradeInfo(unitPrototype, asteroid) - See information about the next level of upgrade for an entity

Use these utilities and the others in the hacker pane to craft advanced strategies and have the edge on the opposition.

priContractCalls: Calling Contract Systems

The console allows direct interaction with contract functions, enabling advanced game mechanics and world interactions.

Access control

  • grantAccess - Grants access to a delegate account.
  • switchDelegate - Switches the delegation for this session.
  • revokeAccess - Revokes previously granted delegated account.
  • revokeAllAccess - Revokes all access from all delegates.

Alliance management

  • createAlliance - Creates a new alliance.

  • leaveAlliance - Leaves the current alliance.

  • joinAlliance - Joins an existing alliance.

  • declineInvite - Declines an invitation to join an alliance.

  • requestToJoin - Requests to join an alliance.

  • kickPlayer - Removes a player from the alliance.

  • grantRole - Grants a role within the alliance.

  • acceptJoinRequest - Accepts a player's request to join the alliance.

  • rejectJoinRequest - Rejects a player's request to join the alliance.

  • invite - Invites a player to join the alliance.

Building management

  • buildBuilding - Initiates the construction of a building.

  • demolishBuilding - Demolishes a building.

  • upgradeBuilding - Upgrades a building.

  • moveBuilding - Moves a building to a new location.

  • toggleBuilding - Toggles a building's active state.

Fleet management

  • disbandFleet - Disbands a fleet and sets its owner to its current destination.
  • landFleet - Lands a fleet on the current destination.
  • setFleetStance - Sets a fleet's stance to either defending its current asteroid or blocking.
  • clearFleetStance - Removes a fleet's stance, allowing it to attack and move.
  • transferFleet - Transfer units and resources from one fleet to its current asteroid or another fleet orbiting the same asteroid.

Military actions

  • claimObjective - Claims an objective.

  • claimUnits - Claims units.

  • sendFleet - Sends fleet

  • train - Trains units.

  • upgradeRange - Upgrades the range of a building or unit.

  • upgradeUnit - Upgrades a unit.

priConstants: Constants

Use constants and enums to convert the names of elements into indices and entities. Constants include

  • SCALE Use scale to convert the raw value of a resource into a human readable value
  • EntityType Use entity type to convert the name of an entity into its raw entity value used throughout the smart contracts.
  • EnumLookup/EntityLookup Use lookups to convert between raw entity IDs and their corresponding enumerated values, used primary with resources in smart contracts.

Each of these functions can be accessed through the hacker console, providing players with a versatile tool set for exploring and interacting with the game's underlying systems.