Getting Started

Getting Started (Walkthrough)

MUD Versions

This tutorial was built against MUD version 2.0.9. If needed, the command to update to the latest MUD version is:

pnpm mud set-version --mudVersion 2.0.9 && pnpm i && pnpm build

The world address for the extension developer testnet v0.11.x is 0x46c1e9dd144fcf5477a542d3152d28bc0cfba0b6.

The WORLD_ADDRESS and BLOCK_NUMBER are pre-configured in the .env.example. You should copy this to .env, and make any desired changes there. Note that this guide was written before the world was deployed, so the BLOCK_NUMBER will need to be updated.

The .gitignore is already configured to not upload your .env, but it is always good practice to confirm the ignores in your .gitignore for yourself. Anything pushed to Git lives there forever and can be retrieved by anyone even if you delete it in later commits. Check twice (maybe 3 times), push once. NEVER push live private keys or .env files to Git.