Sponsoring Trades

Solana DEX Server


The Primodium DEX Server is a TypeScript-based tRPC server for Solana, providing protected API endpoints for building and sponsoring user transactions.

This package is available as a npm package at @primodiumxyz/dex-server (opens in a new tab), and the Docker image is available at ghcr.io/primodiumxyz/dex-server (opens in a new tab). The source code for this repository is available on Github here (opens in a new tab).


The Server offers a set of tRPC endpoints for various operations centered around building user transactions and sponsoring the SOL required for chain execution fees. It uses Fastify as the underlying web server.

The server provides comprehensive token trading functionality including real-time price tracking, automated fee calculations, and transaction sponsorship. It features WebSocket-based streaming for live price updates and iOS push notifications for price tracking. The system is built with configurability in mind, using Redis for live configuration updates and supporting automated background tasks for maintenance operations.

For price tracking to be enabled, the HASURA_URL and HASURA_ADMIN_SECRET environment variables must be set, and point to a running instance of the DEX GraphQL package (opens in a new tab). If you would like to use this feature, you will need to run the DEX Indexer stack (opens in a new tab).


  • Transaction building and sponsorship
  • Fee calculation and management system
  • Solana wallet integration and balance tracking
  • JWT-based authentication
  • tRPC-based API for type-safe client-server communication
  • WebSocket support for real-time updates
  • Redis-based configuration management with live updates
  • Automated background tasks via CronService
  • Real-time token price tracking
  • Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) integration for iOS live activities


To run the server:

pnpm start

Example client

const server = createServerClient({
  httpUrl: "http://localhost:8888/trpc",
  wsUrl: "ws://localhost:8888/trpc",
  httpHeaders: () => {
    const jwtToken = useUserStore.getState().jwtToken;
    return {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${jwtToken}`,
const results = await server.registerNewUser.mutate({
  username: "test",
  airdropAmount: "100",


The server can be configured with the following environment variables:

NODE_ENVEnvironment (local, dev, test, prod)local
SERVER_HOSTHost that the server listens on0.0.0.0
SERVER_PORTPort that the server listens on8888
REDIS_HOSTHost that the Redis server listens onlocalhost
REDIS_PORTPort that the Redis server listens on6379
REDIS_PASSWORDPassword for the Redis server
QUICKNODE_ENDPOINTURL of the Quicknode endpoint
QUICKNODE_TOKENToken for the Quicknode endpoint
JUPITER_URLEndpoint for the Jupiter V6 Swap API
HASURA_URLURL of the Hasura endpoint
HASURA_ADMIN_SECRETAdmin secret for the Hasura endpoint
JWT_SECRETSecret for JWT signingsecret
PRIVY_APP_SECRETSecret for Privy app
PRIVY_APP_IDID for Privy app
FEE_PAYER_PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key for the fee payer
TEST_USER_PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key for the test user
APPLE_PUSH_KEY_IDKey ID for Apple Push Notifications
APPLE_PUSH_TEAM_IDTeam ID for Apple Push Notifications
APPLE_AUTHKEYAuth key for Apple Push Notifications

The server can be further configured with the following Redis variables in default-redis-config.json. Ensure that TRADE_FEE_RECIPIENT is set to the address of the account that will receive the trade fees.


To set up the project for development:

  1. Ensure all server-related env variables are set.

  2. If Redis is not installed, make sure that NODE_ENV is set to local in the root .env file for Redis to be installed in the prepare step of pnpm install. Refer to prepare script in ./package.json (opens in a new tab) for details.

  3. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install
  4. To run this application in a standalone environment with Redis, run the following which starts both redis-server and the server application.

pnpm dev:standalone
  1. For testing:

    pnpm test

API Endpoints

The server exposes the following tRPC endpoints:

Query Procedures

  1. getStatus

    • Description: Returns the current status of the server
    • Response: { status: number }
  2. getSolUsdPrice

    • Description: Returns the current SOL/USD price
    • Response: number
  3. getSolBalance

    • Description: Gets user's SOL balance
    • Response: number
  4. getAllTokenBalances

    • Description: Gets all token balances for user
    • Response: Array of token balances
  5. getTokenBalance

    • Description: Gets balance for specific token
    • Input: { tokenMint: string }
  6. fetchSwap

    • Description: Fetches a constructed swap transaction for the user. This transaction will need to be signed by the user, then sent to the server via submitSignedTransaction.
    • Input: { buyTokenId: string, sellTokenId: string, sellQuantity: number, slippageBps?: number }
  7. fetchPresignedSwap

    • Description: Fetches swap transaction pre-signed by the server's fee payer. This transaction will need to be signed by the user but can be submitted to any Solana node.
    • Input: { buyTokenId: string, sellTokenId: string, sellQuantity: number }
  8. getEstimatedTransferFee

    • Description: Gets estimated fee for transferring USDC to a different address
    • Response: Fee estimate in USDC base units
  9. fetchTransferTx

    • Description: Fetches a constructed transfer transaction for the user. This transaction will need to be signed by the user, then sent to the server via submitSignedTransaction.
    • Input: { toAddress: string, amount: string, tokenId: string }

Subscription Procedures

  1. subscribeSolPrice

    • Description: Real-time SOL price updates
    • Response: Stream of price updates
  2. swapStream [deprecated]

    • Description: Real-time swap quote updates. Currently deprecated and unused, but could be used in the future for real-time updates.
    • Input: { request: { buyTokenId: string, sellTokenId: string, sellQuantity: number } }

Mutation Procedures

  1. submitSignedTransaction

    • Description: Submits a signed transaction to the server. This transaction will be sponsored by the server's fee payer and submitted to the Solana network.
    • Input: { signature: string, base64Transaction: string }
  2. updateSwapRequest [deprecated]

    • Description: Updates parameters for an existing swap stream's request
    • Input: { buyTokenId: string, sellTokenId: string, sellQuantity: number }
  3. stopSwapStream [deprecated]

    • Description: Stops an active swap stream
    • Response: void
  4. startLiveActivity

    • Description: Starts live price tracking for a token
    • Input: { tokenMint: string, tokenPriceUsd: string, deviceToken: string, pushToken: string }
  5. stopLiveActivity

    • Description: Stops live price tracking
    • Response: { success: boolean }


Before running tests on the server, first create a .env.test file with the appropriate environment variables. See example.env.test for an example.

  1. Run the following to start the server:

    pnpm dev:standalone
  2. Then run the following command to start tests:

    pnpm test

Testing Transactions Setup

You can test transactions by running the service.test.ts file.

  1. You may need to manually remove any .skip flags from the tests you want to run. These are placed there to prevent the tests from being run on every commit.

  2. Ensure that your FEE_PAYER has a few dollars worth of SOL in it to pay for the chain fees. If this is not met, the test transactions will fail.

  3. Ensure that your FEE_PAYER has an existing USDC ATA that has a rent-exempt balance (currently 0.002039 SOL). If this is not met, the test transactions will fail.

  4. Optionally, you can change the token being traded in the tests by editing MEMECOIN_MAINNET_PUBLIC_KEY in src/constants/tokens.ts.

  5. Check that the dev server is still running, then run the test file with the following command:

    pnpm test service.test.ts