Unreal Engine MUD

Unreal Engine MUD

The Primodium Unreal Engine MUD Libraries are a set of three libraries that allow Unreal Engine (opens in a new tab) game clients to seamlessly interact with Ethereum smart contracts built with the MUD (opens in a new tab) standard.

The libraries are split across three Github repositories:


UEMUD (opens in a new tab) is an Unreal Engine plugin for developing clients for on-chain games built with the MUD framework. It has the following dependencies:


CustomFramework (opens in a new tab) is a Custom ECS (opens in a new tab) framework for Unreal Engine. This is a very early work-in-progress (WIP).


Data Types

FCF_Context: an Entity in the ECS. Each FCF_Context is unique and holds data as a map of components.

FCF_Component: Each component type either holds mutable or immutable data for the context where it is stored. Components can also be used as flags for checking.


UCF_Core: a static function library used to create and remove contexts and set or remove components from contexts

UCF_CoreSubsystem: a game instance subsystem that stores and handles context and component actions internally. This subsystem is used internally by UCF_Core.

Unreal Engine Binding

ACF_ActorWrapper: This (and all Wrapper types) can be bound to a context using the unique ID stored on them. They allow function calls within their hierarchy to access the bound context without manually using the context ID.


Data Types

FCF_Message: The base data type for messages sent through the event system.


UCF_EventStatics is a static function library to listen to messages and send messages, both locally or over the network.

UCF_EventSubsystem is a game instance subsystem that stores listeners for events, and fires those events on the instance it runs on.


FromServerToAllClients: Broadcasts the message locally on the server, then fires on all clients through the GameState. FromServerToSepcificClient: Broadcasts the message locally on the server, then fires on a specific client (using PlayerId) through their PlayerState. FromClientToServer: Broadcasts the message locally on the client, then fires on the server (using the invoker client's PlayerState). The PlayerState can also be used for authentication to allow or disallow the event.


DoubleMessageTypeEvents: Since we cannot directly template message types for component types (for general events that might be fired based on another data type), we use double message types to handle these scenarios. For example, if you want to listen for an event when FSampleComponent is set on any context, you would use a combination of FCF_ComponentSetMessageBase and FSampleComponent to listen for that event.


Groups make it easier to query specific contexts that share one or more component types and to cache that query for later use. They also allow for “singleton” type access to data in the form of components when the group only has a single context in it.

Data Types

UCF_GroupStatics: a static function library used to access group functionalities such as getting and setting singleton components and retrieve group contexts

You can also set singleton components using a singleton component type. For instance, if a context has a specific singleton component type as a flag, the developer can set components on that context using the flag component type.

Example Usage

If we use FC_SB_IsPlayerContext to flag contexts that hold player data, we can retrieve the group of contexts that have this component. The first time a group is requested, it will search all contexts to build the group. After that, the group automatically updates whenever this component type is added or removed from a context, and accessing the group again will not require a new search.

You can create groups earlier by having subsystems that initialize these groups, so the initial search is done before gameplay logic needs them.


There is no specific type required when writing systems for the Context Framework, but a recommended approach makes it easier to manage.

In practice, we:

  1. Create systems as Unreal Engine Subsystems.
  2. Place them in the module where they should be initialized.
  3. Inherit them from special subsystem classes made for that submodule (to prevent loading on the wrong instances in Play In Editor mode).

The key classes are:

  • US_CO_GameInstanceSubsystem: for client systems.
  • US_SO_GameInstanceSubsystem: for server systems.

A system typically:

  • Listens for an event when initialized.
  • Executes logic when that event is triggered.

When multiple systems want to subscribe to the same event, it is better to create a ChainSystem that subscribes to the event and calls logic on the other systems in the desired order.

Because those other systems are called by the ChainSystem event, they should not subscribe directly when they are initialized.


UEEmojimonExample (opens in a new tab) is an Unreal client implementation of the MUD Emojimon (opens in a new tab) example project using the UEMUD Plugin.


This project has the following dependencies:

Setup and Configuration

  1. Project Settings

    • Make sure to check your Project Settings for custom configurations regarding:
      • MUD World Settings
      • JSON-RPC (jRPC) server address
      • gRPC server addresses
  2. HyperPlay

    • Currently, HyperPlay must be installed and running to send transactions.
    • Work is in progress (WIP) for encoding and signing transactions via eth_sendRawTransaction.
  3. MUD gRPC Services

    • The client syncs using MUD gRPC services (stream and snapshot), which must be running.
    • Set the address and port through the turbolink plugin settings.
  4. Faucet Service

    • To receive test funds (drip), a faucet service must be running.
  5. Generated Classes

    • The included turbolink plugin has generated classes for MUD services, which will be refactored into UEMUD later.
  6. Modified web3.unreal

    • web3Unreal has been modified to receive ChainMetadata in its function.

Gameplay Notes

  • Join the game
    Press E to join. The spawn location is currently hard-coded to (2,2).

  • Movement
    Use WASD or arrow keys to move the avatar.

  • Avatar Colors

    • Your local avatar is green.
    • Other players’ avatars are white.