

  1. Clone the Primodium Developer repository:
git clone https://github.com/primodiumxyz/developer.git
  1. Change your active directory:
cd developer/examples/WriteDemo/packages/contracts
  1. Install the necessary packages:
pnpm i
  1. Update namespaces in scripts (choose your own to avoid collision).

  2. Build the project:

pnpm build
  1. Update addresses and private keys in .env
cp .env.example .env
  1. Test the project:
forge test
  1. Do a dry-run of deployment:
forge script script/RegisterWriteDemoSystem.s.sol --fork-url https://primodium-sepolia.rpc.caldera.xyz/http
  1. Deploy the System:
forge script script/RegisterWriteDemoSystem.s.sol --fork-url https://primodium-sepolia.rpc.caldera.xyz/http --broadcast
  1. Use a script to delegate permission and interact with the system:
forge script script/BuildIronMine.s.sol --fork-url https://primodium-sepolia.rpc.caldera.xyz/http --broadcast

File Structure

The WriteDemo (opens in a new tab) consists of four main files: