
Deploying the World Extension

Now it's time to write something to the chain.

Before deploying your Primodium world extension, you will need to bridge ETH from Sepolia to the Primodium testnet. After obtaining Sepolia ETH from a faucet, you can bridge to the Primodium testnet using the following bridge (opens in a new tab).

Note that the caldera-sepolia network has the following configuration.

eth_rpc_url = "https://primodium-sepolia.rpc.caldera.xyz/http"
chain_id = 10017

To deploy the world extension, We can use the same command and script we used for the simulation, but append --broadcast to broadcast the transaction.

forge script script/RegisterReadDemoSystem.s.sol --fork-url https://primodium-sepolia.rpc.caldera.xyz/http --broadcast